Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility

W L Sleigh Ltd is a small company based in Edinburgh and as a successful family business we recognise our corporate responsibility towards the environment and our local community.

As a proud holder of a Royal Warrant to Her Majesty the Queen we have to continually assess and improve our carbon footprint as well as the company’s environmental policies.

We recognise that our main business activity of running a fleet of luxury cars has a direct and indirect environmental impact and regard it as our responsibility to minimise this.

W L Sleigh Ltd’s chauffeurs are encouraged to always consider the environment and save fuel whenever possible by smooth driving and good professional route planning.

We offset the Carbon we are unable to reduce by planting trees through Trees4Scotland, with the primary aim to become Carbon Neutral. Our clients are offered an opportunity to buy trees to neutralise their tours and can be awarded a certificate of planting if they wish.

We are committed to a programme that continually looks for ways to improve our awareness of the impact your business activities have and to finding ways to minimise our environmental footprint.

Our environmental commitment will continually be considered within the context of our future planning and development, the purchasing of new vehicles, the purchasing of office supplies, the various different forms of recycling, general business decision making and all energy saving measures.

We undertake to have an annual company staff meeting to discuss the issue of the environment. These meetings will discuss current company environmental policy, recent environmental developments and initiatives, the fleet and will discuss what targets have been reached within the past year. The meetings will also set new targets for the year to come.